Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Are Robots Killing Job Growth? (60 Minutes Segment & Comments)

Daymon's intro comment resonates with the permanently under-employables...

Story link at bottom, below Daymon's comments. Besides being active in Occupy Detroit, Daymon is a frequent contributor to the radical newspaper People's Tribune.

RT Daymon J. Hartley, Occupy Detroit

Finally some of them are starting to get it.....this is the root cause of the global crisis....laborless production that is replacing both manual and mental labor as we know it.

Our present capitalist economic, social and political system is a victim of its own success. With the robotic and electronic revolution well under way we are replacing manual/mental labor as we know it.
And that is not a bad thing. We are producing untold abundance. If we can get machines to do the back breaking work in the factories, mines etc. then that should be a plus for humanity. But unfortunately they haven't figured out how to get the robots to buy back what they produce. And with a system still based on the premise that you have to have a job to earn a wage to buy the necessaries of life and there are no jobs....you have an irreconcilable contradiction. The profits and market system can no longer function to meet the needs of the majority of society.

With Globalization there is an evening up process with the spread of the technology. And rather then bringing the rest of the world's workers up to the living standard we have enjoyed...our standard of living is being driven down to theirs. Every economic system has its own objective motion and laws. The 1% have no control over this system as it implodes.

Democracy in this country has been reduced to merely casting a vote. Every 4 years they let us decide which of their leaders is going to mislead us for another 4 years. To enjoy the fruits of democracy the average person would have to have access to the tools of democracy. Television, print, radio. The only folks who have that access are the millionaires and billionaires. Dr. Martin Luther King was right in demanding economic democracy.

The democratic right to a job, house, food, healthcare and that elusive right to human happiness. You can call it socialism, communism, or a duck. Bring it on!

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