Workers Party Political Action Committee is growing out of the Occupy Together movement, the 99% Declaration, and the effort to Recall (Governor) Walker here in Wisconsin.

This will be an "enduring" committee; that is, it will have no particular end-date.As of fall, 2012, we are raising and spending no money, exempted from filing campaign finance reports.

We are in no particular hurry to create a political party.  Instead, we aim to learn from previous efforts at U.S. independent parties: Progressives, MN Farmer-Labor Party (1930s-40s), WI Labor-Farm Party (1980s), WI Green Party, numerous Left socialist and communist parties scattered throughout our history, and so forth. In addition, we will be reaching out to progressive Dems as well as "independents" who may be feeling homeless these days for all the obvious reasons.

This Committee will comply with all rules and regulations of the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board (GAB), one of the remaining vestiges of previous efforts at campaign reform in Wisconsin. Unfortunately, the GAB's independence and non-partisan nature are under full-on assault right now (late 2011) by the Republican majority in both the Wisconsin Senate and Assembly. 

Soon, we will make it easy to donate. We urge all working-class people, both employed and unemployed,  from any part of the USA to donate to us. With funding we can accomplish the mission of standing up for the 99% against the onslaught of the 1% in our economic life, and in our legislatures and Congress.

This is not going to be some wishy-washy liberal bullshit.  Count on it.

The Decentral Committee, Nov 2011

We're looking forward to seeing the result of efforts by hacktivists to create censorship-proof internets. Even if these aren't too user-friendly.

The "official" humor style of this group is:  absurdist black humor.

Hail Eris, and All Hail Discordia