Friday, December 14, 2012

Statement on Michigan Right-to-Work

From Darryl, posted in Occupy Detroit's general assembly discussion group:

There is an ideological component to Right to Work Laws with many folks believing RTW increases political democracy for the individual; allows unworthy and lazy workers to be fired; allows companies to fire and discipline workers with drug problems and bring more jobs to a state. Much of this thinking is simply wrong but it is out there amongst the people.

The first block of RTW states were the former core slave states or the states that left the Union and formed the Confederate States of America to defend their democratic right to have black chattel slaves. These are also the states with the most fascistic laws and violent forms of capitalist rules against the entire population, black and white. In states like Alabama for instance denying blacks the vote for one hundred years actually disfranchised more whites than blacks. In order to hold say four million people in bondage and the ditch of poverty and destitution, four million volunteers and
paid stool pigeons are required to literally stand on their heads and back, which keep the people standing on the disposed in the same shit hole.

The point is Right to Work and all laws outside the commons and what we call common sense understanding of property and rights have a history, environment and purpose. Right to work laws do not attract business and create community wealth. By community wealth is meant public schools road work, water services, garbage pickup and generally work most rational people believe belongs in the public sphere.

My definition of rational peoples means lower section of the proletariat. By proletariat is meant that part of society that must sell its labor for wages and have no stocks, bonds and other forms of income.

Right to Work states are generally the poorest with the worst education and public services. The fact of the matter of American history that no ideologue can make go away is that during the Henry Ford phase of industrialization raising wages grew the economy, despite the reactionaries screaming bloody murder against the five dollar day. Raising wages in America and the world today would grow the economy. We face people who believe ancient and backwards monetary theory created by the capitalists and their hired spokespersons that in the main have no proof of reality. The idea that lowering wages can grow the economy is insanity. One thing alone grows any economy, increased consumption. When we leave the world of capitalist short speak and capitalist concepts, increased distribution grow the productive forces.

The bottom line to Right to Work is that these laws are a part of a program of attack by the representative of capital (the bourgeoisie) – corporate interest – to recreate the world in their insane image of private property as dominant over life. RTW destroys the security of the close shop and union shop and will not bring new jobs to Michigan.

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