Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wisconsin Secretary of State Doug LaFollette: return to the "Wisconsin Idea."

Yes, you are correct:  We're printing a press release, just as received.  -Anon00
For Release
March 15, 2012
For more information contact
Amanda Ney, Press Secretary

Let's renew the Wisconsin Idea

Secretary of State Doug La Follette today called for a return to the Wisconsin Idea “The Wisconsin Idea was based on the premise that government was most effective when controlled by voters, not special interests,” La Follette noted. “In turn, the University of Wisconsin was utilized, providing ideas most of us now take for granted, including workers’ compensation, child labor laws, forest and water conservation.”

Robert La Follette, who served the state as governor and then senator, was part of that progressive movement. He was not alone. “Many people in what was then the Republican Party, embraced the Wisconsin Idea. Indeed, many of the progressive programs adopted by other states and the Federal Government have their roots in the Wisconsin Idea,” La Follette said.
“Today, there are those who think our government is best served when controlled by special interests and corporations. Do we want a state and a country of the corporation, by the corporation and for the corporation? I certainly don’t, and I don’t think the people of Wisconsin do either,” La Follette said.

That doesn’t mean we should not welcome corporations in our state, he emphasized. “We have many corporations that value our natural and human resources, and treat them with respect. They operate with the same civility I’ve called for in our political arena—treating one another as we would want to be treated.

Let’s renew the Wisconsin Idea, using the best ideas from all our institutions, with the control ultimately in the hands of citizens. And let’s make it as easy as possible for all citizens of Wisconsin to vote.”

Contrary to what our current governor says, Wisconsin is not broke, the Secretary added, noting that Wisconsin has abundant natural and human resources as well as financial wealth.
“I propose our taxes, the money we all contribute for services, be fair and equitable,” said La Follette. Wisconsin citizens don’t mind paying for police and fire protection, for good roads, mass transit and education if the tax system is fair. Much of our current infrastructure of roads and bridges and water treatment facilities are in need of repair. “Let’s get to work and revitalize them for us as well as the next generation. Agriculture and tourism, to name just two industries that provide jobs in our state, depend on good infrastructure.”

A recent study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development found that the most prosperous countries in the world are not those with the greatest natural resources. They are the countries that invest in education. Their investment pays dividends in innovation and new technology. “Think about that,” La Follette said. “Wisconsin had an outstanding school system for decades. Yet the current administration has slashed millions from education. We should be investing in education, from k-12 to our universities and technical colleges.
La Follette said he would utilize the resources of the university and Center On Wisconsin Strategy [COWS] to develop programs and policies to move our state forward--a renewed Wisconsin Idea.

That doesn’t mean other states don’t have good ideas. The Democrats and Republicans in the state of Oregon recently passed a new health-care plan designed by Gov. Kitzhaber who is also a physician. His bold plan promises to save millions, yet provide health care to those people who can’t otherwise afford it. Like many of Wisconsin’s ideas that were later adopted around the country, Oregon’s plan could become a model for other states, including Wisconsin.

And in Massachusetts the Home and Community-Based Services program allows for eligible frail seniors, people with intellectual disabilities, young children with autism, and adults with traumatic brain injuries to get needed health care and support services at home rather than in an institution--and saves money as well.

“Wisconsin has a long tradition of innovation. Let’s keep the Wisconsin Idea alive,” La Follette said.

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