Friday, January 6, 2012

January 17th, 2012: Rank-and-file Assembly for this PAC, Stevens Point WI

This is a listening and action session for this Political Action Committee:

7 p.m. Tues. January 17 2012

Pineries Room, Charles White Portage County Library  1001 Main Street Stevens Point WI

Bring your issues ideas that can be acted on as campaigns in the coming year.  "Brainstorm" session.

Please consider working in one of these committees:

Issues & Campaigns
     Stopping the Penokee Hills mine
     Veterans' issues - Maybe Dan M. can update us?
Transport - getting activists where they need to get to.
Steering Committee

Report on Mining Hearing in West Allis (previous action item)

Proposed Wisconsin statewide action items so far:

1.  Demilitarizing Local Law Enforcement - Reducing the incidence of military-style over-reactions by SWAT teams; decommissioning "gift" equipment foisted on law enforcement agencies by the Pentagon.

2.  Urban Ag enabling legislation -- removing municipal ordinances against greenhouses, chicken coops, and other urban agriculture infrastructure.

3.  Legalizing Eco-Villages -- County-level removal of all zoning ordinances pertaining to number of housing units on small agriculture parcels, repeal of ordinances pertaining to "unrelated people" sharing housing units, and so forth. This is a key sustainability issue going forward. Less land use for 'trophy homes;' more land use for small-scale food and other production.

4.  Re-introduce the raw milk sales bill to Wisc. legislature. Make a way for small dairy farmers to sell direct to customers, using standards of cleanliness and food safety.

5. Endorse Rick Kissell for City of Milwaukee Treasurer. Rick has been working at local, independent politics for a long time and would do right by Milwaukee's working class.

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